Environmental Sustainability in the Vacation Rental Industry | Part 3

September 25, 2019

Part 1 and 2 of this post explained environmental sustainability and why it’s important and also looked at areas where you can adopt the practice.

In this last post, we’ll tell you how you can market your environmentally friendly units to new and existing companies as a way to grow revenue.

PART 3: Best Practices: How to Market Your Environmentally Friendly Vacation Rental Units To Potential and Repeat Guests

Once you’ve made changes to increase your sustainability, proudly let your potential and repeat guests know about it! Today, many consumers are opting to make smarter choices when it comes to businesses they frequent. This is especially true when it comes to Generation X and Millennials.

Sustainability is something you should be proud of and making changes to your operation is newsworthy on several levels. First, it’s a competitive differentiator that can help you grow your business by connecting with other like-minded individuals in the community, as well as with new and repeat guests.

If you blog, consider including posts about the benefits of switching your operation to a more sustainable model. You can talk about great products that you’ve discovered, new upgraded more energy-efficient appliances, where you source your fair trade and organic products, and how “greening” your business was easy and cost-effective.

It’s not so much about using sustainability as a marketing tool (although you will benefit) as much building awareness about the steps you’re taking, your challenges, and the benefits you’re enjoying as a result of your efforts.

You can keep former and potential renters aware of your efforts through social media, and can include information in your units about practices guests can take (like using provided reusable water bottles) to help your effort along.

Something as simple as welcome baskets filled with fair trade coffee, organic chocolate, take home reusable water bottles with your logo, and a little note about your philosophy can go a long way toward building loyalty for your brand.


Environmental sustainability is a movement that is growing every day with new products and services becoming available, and more businesses jumping in to help save the planet. Transitioning to more sustainable business practice is a process.